Christ the Creator according to John 11 Part 6

From Dr. Amari's book, "Footsteps of the Creator toward Impossible"

Author: Dr. Rafat Amari/Saturday, September 16, 2017/Categories: Christianity, The Bible, New Testament, John, Footsteps of the Creator toward Impossible, God, Creation, Christ, Deity of Christ, Article

Christ the Christ according to John 11
Dr. Rafat Amari
Jesus’ path is the path of the first creative work and a blueprint for life in the field of humanity.
Jesus never hesitated in any initiative that he took.  When he pronounced those words ‘Let us go to him,’ that is go and wake up someone whose body was in a state of total stinking putrefaction subject to the elements of corruption, dissolution and decay, and was turning into dust, we see him moving with his constant and customary certainty, which the generation that lived in the first years AD were accustomed to see as he approached the sick or the dying in order to heal them.
It’s that power which contains the mysteries of existence and the program for life.  Jesus approached the precious fruit of His creation and brought it back to life.
He moved toward His creation with complete certainty and freedom, repairing and restoring any fault in Lazarus’ body.  He moved as the Lord, Restorer, Healer, and Reviver of creation, not as someone surrendered to its illnesses and disasters.
Jesus moved in his creation with complete certainty and freedom, repairing and restoring any fault in it.  He moved as the Lord, Restorer, Healer, and Reviver of creation, not as someone confused and surrendered to its illnesses and disasters, but as the Reviver and Repairer of any fault that might affect it.  He bears the demeanor of an Expert moving about in a field which he has sown for the first time, the demeanor of a Craftsman moving towards one of his past creations.  It is not the manner of someone moving in a sphere some aspect of which is hidden to him, or about some of whose principles he lacks wisdom or knowledge, since he in his wisdom had placed all things in their places on the stage of life, including man.
We have a great God who moves in creative freedom and in the certainty of His ability to repair and revive anything.  With Lazarus, Jesus returned to where He had begun when He created man for the very first time from a handful of dust.
Going to Lazarus meant calling forth life, resurrecting a living body from the extreme stage of decay.  Because Jesus is God, He is the author and the organizer of life.  He’s not a prisoner of any state.  In Jesus the perfection and beauty of life can be seen in each and every stage, and He is able to bring back the lost from the place of deepest despair.
Jesus was able to bring back Lazarus from the dust.  Lazarus’ spirit returned from Paradise, that most distant location.  This is Jesus’ guarantee that by His creative power, those who love Him will be resurrected with eternal glorious bodies.
It’s important that you continue to have fellowship with Jesus.  He alone is worthy of your adoration and love. As you remain in constant fellowship with Him, you may hear His promise to regain the spiritually lost loved ones of your family.
 Perhaps you stopped hoping that you would ever see your loved ones in good spiritual health, because the laws of corruption and sin have changed them into a state from which you think they would never return.  You gave up envisioning them walking with Jesus or praying to Him as the Creator of all things.
There is hope, dear believer.  You may yet see the surprise of God’s creative work in response to your prayers of faith to Him as Creator.  Climb high in your faith and trust Jesus to do the impossible for you.

Copyright 2006 by Dr. Rafat Amari. All rights reserved


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Dr. Rafat Amari
Dr. Rafat Amari

Dr. Rafat Amari

Scholar in comparative religions and Author of over 30 books

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